Final Music Video

Thursday 13 October 2011

16.Elements we have to include

In order to make our video look as indie as possible we need to make sure that the mood of the actor comes across very clearly. As the song is very emotional and it should stimulate people to think about various things we need to match this with our video.
Close ups are very important as it allows the audience to find out how the person in the video is feeling exactly. Therefore it is easier for them to identify the message of the song.

We also need to include the right sort of editing effects. When we have filmed our music video we have to look for the right kind of effect, which we are going to edit over the natural material we have filmed.That will make the audience understand the video much better as the right editing helps to underline the mood of the story.

That picture was edited in dark colors and therefore it seems frightening to the viewer.
In addition in most of those indie songs videos the storyline is hard to identify.
Therefore our video is going to be easy made but we do not give the audience too much information away.
Also very important for us to include is the clothes our actor is wearing as it says a lot about a person. Especially to attract our target audience who are into fashion it is significant that Paul and I are going to choose the correct outfit.

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