Final Music Video

Friday 16 March 2012

3.Audience Feedback

Through uploading our final music video onto websites such as Youtube and Facebook, we got some really useful comments on how we could improve our video.
Some of the of the notes people made we already new we should have done differently such as using the tripod in order to make the shots more stable.
However, some people recognised the bad lip synchronisation although we put the clip with the write lip synchronisation on top of it. I believed that with the clip on top people would pay more attention to the big lips in the foreground rather than the whole actor in the back. That was a very important point and we would strongly consider it if we would have to recreate the video again.
What I found rather confusing was that some of my friends who watched the video did not understand the storyline. I though we made it quite clear through the different lighting that it was supposed to be a flashback. Although I thought we pointed it out clearly enough we should have introduced the flashback through fading it in more obviously.
Most of the people picked up on the sepia effect, which we used throughout the video. It created exactly the mood I wanted to.
Most of the audience members who watched our music video only picked up positive aspects, which was very uplifting and we also learnt from those comments as well.
Most of the people who added a comment on Facebook were my friends from Austria. I was excited what they would say as they are not familiar with the media subject and therefore see it from a very different angle than the people from school. What surprised my though was that they picked up things such as that the transition was very smooth in our video and hardly recognisable for them. In addition they appreciated the sepia effect of our production and they thought it created a very special mood.

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